

Monday 9 September 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

The dreaded male gaze strikes again! The Daily Caller:

It started out as a casual attempt to make eye contact with the attractive girl in the car next to them. But for Aaron Arias, 19, and Jamal Harris, 17, the brief attempt to score some afternoon delight turned out to be a heroic kidnapping rescue after they saw the girl they were staring out mouth “help me.”

The two Texas teens immediately called the police and followed the suspicious vehicle to keep track of the abducted female’s location.

Arias told the 911 dispatcher, “It’s me and another guy. So we’re checking out the girl in the backseat because, we’re like, ‘OK, she’s kind of attractive.’”

But suddenly, the teens realized something wasn’t right.

“Then all of a sudden the guy is turned back, looking at us. We looked in the backseat and the blonde female in the back was saying ‘help me’ or something, whispering it,” he said.

She probably would have been better off if those disgusting men wouldn’t have wanted to fuck her.

2013-09-09  »  madlibertarianguy