
WaPo: “Debt commission chiefs give gloomy fiscal outlook”

Sunday 11 July 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + Economy + Government + Journalism + POTUS + Uncategorized

Dan Balz via The Washington Post:

The co-chairs of President Obama’s debt and deficit commission offered an ominous assessment of the nation’s fiscal future here Sunday, calling current budgetary trends a cancer “that will destroy the country from within” unless checked by tough action in Washington.

Isn’t it comforting that it only took a specialized presidential commission to finally understand what most of us, excepting those like Krugman, Obama, and their progressive cultists, have known for at least 2 years? It gives me so much confidence in our government to know they have such prescient foresight.

Where I come from, those who are 2 years behind the rest of us traveled to school on what is colloquially known as the short bus.

Bowles said that unlike the current economic crisis, which was largely unforeseen before it hit in the fall of 2008 . . .

Are we really going to continue with this “unforeseen” bullshit? And what the fuck does “largely unforeseen” mean? Either we see something coming, or we don’t. Our current woes were absolutely foreseen, and maintaining that we didn’t is either due to utter stupidity or willful ignorance. Considering we’re talking about a very experienced journalist in this case, I’ll defer to the latter. But that he continues to try and convince the American people that all was well until it wasn’t, I label him a party hack engaging in what can only be described as Orwellian doublespeak.

The commission leaders said that, at present, available federal revenues are fully consumed by just three programs: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. “The rest of the federal government, including fighting two wars, homeland security, education, art, culture, you name it, veterans, the whole rest of the discretionary budget is being financed by China and other countries,” Simpson said.

So every cent we pay in tax dollars funds nothing more than three massive entitlement programs (read: progressive redistributionist bullshit), yet Obama vastly, and without anything even resembling popular consent, expands two of them all while pointing fingers at Bush, who absofuckinglutely should take his fare share of shit for our insane spending policies, leaving his own spending policies high and dry without any blame whatsoever?

Thanks for dashing any hope and eschewing change.

We have but one alternative: cut the ever living shit out of entitlement payouts, and end our two pointless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And even that will only get us started on the right path.

Bowles pointed to steps taken recently by the new coalition government in Britain, which also faces an acute budgetary problem, as a guide to the formula the commission might use in its recommendations. That would mean about three-quarters of the deficit reduction would be accomplished through spending cuts and the remainder with additional revenues.

I’m positive that this is code for instituting a prohibitively expensive VAT alongside income taxes rather than cutting back on entitlement spending. Sadly, America, due to gross spending habits of the Bush and Obama administrations, can no longer represent an alternative to Euro-style socialism. How much would one like to bet that I’ll be accused, many times over, of hating the poor before anything resembling real spending cuts are recommended?

Most Republicans in Congress are opposed to any tax increases, which has made the work of the commission far more difficult.

So we choose to focus on Republicans, the minority in both houses, refusing to consent to tax hikes rather than on Demotards who have shown that they have no intent on dialing the fuck back on spending my hard earned cash?

Fuck you, Dan Balz.

Virtually every bill passed over the last 2 years has been without any Republican consent, (and the most damning and most expensive of them all, the stimulus package, that hasn’t stimulated shit, and Obamacare which expands both government role in everyday lives and spending in already financially unsustainable entitlement programs, with virtually no public support) yet you want to focus on Republicans not wanting to raise taxes. I’m not here to apologize for insane spending during Bushie (because that was fuckin’ bullshit too), but your point is akin to complaining about someone’s perfume stinkin’ up the joint while ignoring the big steaming pile of shit in the middle of the room.

Until we clean up that pile of current demotard spending, we’re fucked.

Mr. Simpson, one of the two chairs of this commission, concerning Republican votes to deny congressional advocacy of this commission before Obama made it via executive order, adds:

“As far as I can discern it was to stick it to the president,” Simpson said. “That’s where we are in Washington.”

Two things:

1) What the fuck do you expect? Obama has advocated for and signed in to law bill after fucking bill, many of them massive, like Obamacare, without a single fucking Republitard vote, yet somehow some expect Republitards to play nice. That sure is rich of you.

2) This is not a new gig, so quit trying to convince people that refusing to do anything but hinder the political process is something fucking new.

All of this, Republicrat spending and their refusal to dial back on how they do business in DC, is yet further evidence two things.

1) We need to teach them all a lesson by voting each and every one of these motherfuckers out of office. If government spending is a cancer, then surely it is those in government who are the cause. All of them must go.

2) We need to start considering, as a people, voting in independents and third party members. Republicrats have shown that they can’t do anything at all except create problems, oftentimes where none existed previously, and they certainly cannot be trusted to get us out of the massive hole they fucking dug in the first place.

Do us all a favor on voting day this November. Do not vote for a single fucking incumbent. None of them deserve it, and we deserve better than the fuck wads we currently have running us all in to the ground.

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2010-07-11  »  madlibertarianguy