
At the Stroke of Midnight

Saturday 7 August 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + Journalism


D.C. Council member Tommy Wells (D-Ward 6) said he thinks the answer is an earlier curfew. District residents 17 and younger have to be off the streets by midnight in the summer. Wells proposed an 11 p.m. curfew for people 15 and younger, but most of the council members opposed the move, with some saying that it could lead to profiling.

Because at the stroke of midnight cops all of the sudden morph in to sentient beings with a sense of constitutional justice and reverence for the 4th amendment who don’t profile.

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2010-08-07  »  madlibertarianguy


  1. Anna!
    8 August 2010 @ 7:16 am

    “Racial profiling” is a dumb phrase to describe using race as an indicator to alarm.

    Wouldn’t it be “racial profiling” to say that a serial killer would be male, WHITE, between the ages of 20-24, a loner, etc.

    No, it’s called PROFILING. Creating a template based on known factors to help “aid” law enforcement. The majority of serial killers tend to be white, hence it allows a manhunt to focus in that direction.

    Same with any other crime.

    The problem comes that it’s an abused practice, and blaming it on profiling by adding an PC police alarming modifier such as “RACIAL” is only done to feed the media buzz monster.

    And yes government curfews are retarded.