
That’s Señor Hopey McChangey For Ya

Wednesday 8 September 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + Economy + Government + POTUS

The American Spectator:

Obama, we were told, was more self-reflective, substituting Bush’s coyboy swagger for sober introspection, which would allow him to admit error. However, with his political standing continuing to erode, President Obama is demonstrating the same type of intransigence that he once criticized in Bush.

Instead of acknowledging that the $862 billion economic stimulus package was a dismal failure that did not produce the promised four million jobs, his administration continues to tout it as a major success. Now, he’s announcing plans for yet another round of government spending, making the same arguments that he made when selling the original plan.


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2010-09-08  »  madlibertarianguy