
Not a Bad Idea

Wednesday 22 September 2010 - Filed under Government

A gentlewoman from the Commonwealth of Virginia:

The movement to amend the Constitution to better protect rights prevailed because they compromised and worked across the aisle. They didn’t blame Republicans or Democrats — then Federalists and Anti-Federalists — or issue nasty press releases and hold political rallies. They overcame the Federalist resistance in Congress to a Bill of Rights by joining together to send a message to the federal government that there are limits to expanding its power.

Virginia needs to do the same today by leading the charge to amend the U.S. Constitution to give two-thirds of states the power to repeal an act of Congress.

Personally, it would seem that nullification of states, such as that of some northern states in the face of the fugitive slave law, is just as good a finger to the federal government, but nullification simply isn’t used often enough because states are afraid of losing federal funding. If this can get the Feds out of the business of doing what are the responsibilities of the states, I say an amendment we should craft.

2010-09-22  »  madlibertarianguy


  1. Still a Good Idea | mad libertarian guy
    12 October 2010 @ 3:40 pm

    […] a previous post I mentioned that the so-called “repeal amendment” was a good idea. I still do. The […]