
Get ‘Em While They’re Young

Tuesday 17 May 2011 - Filed under Uncategorized

The Tacoma school district acknowledged a Secret Service agent questioned Vito and that it was a security guard who called Vito’s mom because the principal was on another call. The school district said they didn’t wait for Vito’s mother to get there because they thought she didn’t take the phone call seriously.

“That’s a blatant lie,” Robertson said.

The teen’s mom says she rushed to Truman Middle School immediately and arrived to discover her son had already been questioned for half an hour.

“I just about lost it,” she said. “My 13 year-old son is supposed to be safe and secure in his classroom and he’s being interrogated without my knowledge or consent privately.”

Gotta love the government who will question a 13 year old boy without parental notification or consent because of something he posted on Facebook.

2011-05-17  »  madlibertarianguy