“More Radical”
Monday 24 October 2011 - Filed under Uncategorized
Great. Yet another country which is taking its cues from Islamic Sharia law. Except this country was the one we just “liberated” on the north coast of Africa. The Telegraph:
Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the chairman of the National Transitional Council and de fact president, had already declared that Libyan laws in future would have Sharia, the Islamic code, as its “basic source”.
[. . .]
Libya is already the most conservative state in north Africa, banning the sale of alcohol. Mr Abdul-Jalil’s decision – made in advance of the introduction of any democratic process – will please the Islamists who have played a strong role in opposition to Col Gaddafi’s rule and in the uprising but worry the many young liberal Libyans who, while usually observant Muslims, take their political cues from the West.
Great job picking the winners, Obama. Who could have foreseen that a “liberated” Libya would be run by guys who are even more hostile to the US than Ghadaffi (who wasn’t hostile at all)?
2011-10-24 » madlibertarianguy