
Media Bias

Wednesday 6 March 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

How DARE anyone suggest that there is a leftward bias in the media? There is no way that they would conspire to blame “The Tea Party” for inciting the murder of a federal census worker without a single shred of evidence, then fail to retract their claims when it’s learned that it was a suicide.

When it comes to media bias, I try not to get too worked up. It’s bound to happen in an industry so monolithically dominated by Democrats and liberals. But I couldn’t help but feel the rage boil up as I read Schapiro’s (excellent*) piece this morning. Just remember: If you ask to see a cabinet nominee’s speeches or financial records, you’re a McCarthyite. But if you accuse a political movement of inspiring murder based on no evidence whatsoever, well, no big deal.

I try not to get worked up either. The media is a leftist pit of authority worship where having “access” to the King is more important than performing their societal function as a journalist. But shit like this shows that anyone other than Team BLUE will have a very difficult time overcoming their bias in American politics.

The legacy media cannot die quickly enough.

2013-03-06  »  madlibertarianguy