
Shocking News!

Wednesday 26 May 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + Libertarian Party + Rand Paul

Libertarian Party Vice Chairman Joshua Koch in an interview with The Washington Post:

The reason why we would even consider running somebody in this race is because we’re not going to let Rand determine what a Libertarian stands for

. . .

I’m here to say Rand does not have the Libertarian ideology.

Though Paul is likely to get my vote come November, short of proving himself a complete asshole, even if only to combat an establishment Demotard from further helping to institute statist policy in DC, the media, mainstream and otherwise, has been fucking wrong for routinely conflating Rand’s political platform with libertarianism.  He has many libertarian-leaning ideas which DC could certainly use, but he is not a libertarian.

2010-05-26  »  madlibertarianguy