The Best Solution: A Redux
Tuesday 17 April 2012 - Filed under Uncategorized
The Wall Street Journal on the idiocy of central planning and transportation:
The best solution would be to return all the gas tax money to the states, roughly in proportion to the money each pays in. This would allow states and localities to determine which roads and transit projects they really need—and are willing to pay for.
Except that it seems this sentence could be even better. It should read:
The best solution would be to
returnrepeal theallfederal gas taxmoney to the states, androughly in proportion to the money each pays inallow each state to tax gas as it sees fit in order to pay for whatever transportation projects the residents of each state feels is necessary. This would allow states and localities to determine which roads and transit projects they really need—and are willing to pay for. And it would keep a good chunk of the tax I pay in the form of the $.18 per gallon federal gas tax from going towards urban public transit systems that I don’t fucking use.
2012-04-17 » madlibertarianguy