

Thursday 20 June 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

Yep. I’d say that Mr. Bunch has hit the nail on the head.

Look: No one is telling you that you can’t boycott people who vote a way you don’t care for. No one’s telling you it should be illegal for you to say you won’t support someone because they dared disagree with some stance you have decided is really super serial. What I am saying is that engaging in such behavior—politicizing every aspect of your life, allowing politics to determine your every move, and judging everyone you meet online and in person by how stridently they agree with the positions you support—is immensely, horribly destructive to the very fabric of our society. It inspires mistrust, hate, and fear. It tears apart the polity. And a polity torn asunder is a weak one indeed. A house divided, and all that.

Being politically engaged is one thing; it’s entirely another when politics informs every single decision you make.

2013-06-20  »  madlibertarianguy