
It Isn’t Working

Friday 2 August 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

Radley Balko on prosecutorial misconduct and its effects on society:

In asking Eric Holder to investigate Eric Holder, Obama illustrated the difficulty of adequately addressing prosecutorial misconduct as well as anyone possibly could: Prosecutors are relied upon to police themselves, and it isn’t working. A growing chorus of voices in the legal community says the problem is rooted in a culture of infallibility, from Holder on down. And it’s against this backdrop — this environment of legal invincibility — that we get the revelations of massive data collection by the National Security Agency, government employees who lie to Congress with no repercussions, and government investigators, courts and prosecutors operating in secret. (Emphasis mine)

Any system of government that lacks accountability is bound to end up fucked, and prosecuting people is no exception.

2013-08-02  »  madlibertarianguy