

Monday 12 August 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

Because selectively enforcing bad law is just as good as changing or repealing bad law. Reason on Holder’s announcement that they will selectively enter the amount of drugs found when filing a charge:

Holder’s announcement doesn’t repeal the laws that established mandatory minimums — it’s merely a declaration of executive branch restraint that could be dropped by a future administration.

I’m not saying that it’s a bad thing to show the desire to thwart mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines, but being as Obama and Holder already have a horrendous record when it comes to using their discretion when they said they wouldn’t go after medical marijuana providers where it is legal, I don’t have much hope that this is anything but a ploy to curry public favor for the beleaguered-by-scandal administration. The right way to handle mandatory minimums is to support existing legislation to get rid of said dastardly practice by working with legislators who have already introduced a bill in the Senate and in the House, not to decree by fiat that you’ll use discretion when it suits you to skirt existing law (especially when it appears that the use of discretion has been used to punish the political opposition via the IRS), because discretion does not offer the same protections as repealing or changing bad law.

2013-08-12  »  madlibertarianguy