

Friday 22 January 2021 - Filed under Dumbassery + election

You should expect much more of this. Breitbart:

Wyoming state Sen. Anthony Bouchard (R) has initiated a 2022 challenge against Cheney, according to a statement of candidacy filed on Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission. Since 2017, Bouchard has represented District 6 of Wyoming.

Following Cheney’s vote to impeach Trump, Bouchard wrote on social media: “I expect Never Trumpers to do this stuff. But Cheney should be run out of town, and back to Virginia for joining the blame game!”

The Wyoming Republican Party also condemned Cheney earlier this month for voting with nine other House Republicans to impeach Trump, alleging “incitement of an insurrection.”

If you don’t understand why, I can’t help you.

2021-01-22  »  madlibertarianguy