
Good Point

Wednesday 26 May 2010 - Filed under Education + Stimulus

House Minority Leader John A. Boehner via The Washington Post:

Giving states another $23 billion in federal education money simply throws more money into taxpayer-funded bailouts when we should be discussing why we aren’t seeing the results we need from the billions in federal dollars that are already being spent.

These same teachers and school systems were given nearly $91 billion in extra funding just last year (as in this money is in addition to their normal budgets) yet they are now seeking another $23 billion in extra funding which leads me to two observations:
1)  Where the fuck did all of this money go, and how the fuck did $91 billion fucking dollars not help?1
2)  One has to ask how long we can go simply throwing money at a clearly failed system rather than looking for ways to make it sustainable without constant infusions of extra cash which are used to continue to pay for corrupt teachers union demands.2

1.  For those of you slow to the fact that public schooling in America is a failed institution, this is a rhetorical question.

2.  And by sustainable I mean by attaching any tax dollars allocated for education to students, not schools.  Only when schools act as if there is something to lose, students in this case, hey have no incentive to do better.

2010-05-26  »  madlibertarianguy