
No Faith

Wednesday 9 June 2010 - Filed under Government

And it hasn’t been warranted either.  Rasmussen Reports on whether Americans feel that America is on the right track:

Democrats are now evenly divided on this question: 48% say right direction, while 48% say wrong track.  A majority of Republicans (87%) and voters not affiliated with either political party (69%) continue to believe the country is heading down the wrong track.  The optimism among Democrats following the passage of the health care bill appears to be returning to levels found prior to the House vote.  Last week, 56% of Democrats were confident in the nation’s current course.

It can’t be good for Demotards that there is virtually no support for America’s direction amongst swing/independent voters who generally decide elections, and that Demotarded voters can’t even form a baseline judgment that their government is leading us in the right direction.

2010-06-09  »  madlibertarianguy