
File: Journalism

A very long and impeccably researched expose on the Deepwater Horizon explosion and the immediate efforts to pinch the leak shows two very undeniable facts: Though people would blame “deregulation” for the oil leak, it wasn’t that there were not more than enough regulations that might have kept the explosion and resulting spill from happening, […]

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2010-06-19 :: madlibertarianguy // Dumbassery + Journalism
Typical Hackmanship

Eternal douchebags Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, and Sarah Palin shouldn’t call Obama’s agenda socialist in nature because they have family problems. I’m no fan of any of those three.  In fact, I can’t stand to listen to any of them and I’m not sure we’d miss too much were the three to be abducted by […]

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2010-06-13 :: madlibertarianguy // Dumbassery + Journalism

Monica Davey of The New York Times on the Kansas idea of the proposed “Office of the Repealer”: In some corners of the country, people seem to have grown so grumpy about the tangle of government rules and regulations that it may be easier for politicians to promise not what they will do, but what […]

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2010-06-13 :: madlibertarianguy // Government + Journalism + POTUS
Let Me Be Clear. Again.

Scott Shane of The New York Times concerning the Obama administration’s crackdown on government leaks: The indictment of Mr. Drake was the latest evidence that the Obama administration is proving more aggressive than the Bush administration in seeking to punish unauthorized leaks to the press. In 17 months in office, President Obama has already outdone […]

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2010-06-01 :: madlibertarianguy // Dumbassery + Economy + Journalism

I find it “interesting” that some people can seek money they otherwise couldn’t afford to repay, buy a house they otherwise could not afford to buy, stop making their payments claiming “self preservation”, then blame the lenders all while absolving themselves of any responsibility whatsoever.  David Streitfelt via The New York Times: A growing number […]

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2010-06-01 :: madlibertarianguy // Government + Journalism + POTUS + War on Terror
A Chilly Breeze

Though I doubt that the residents of hell are seeing ice crystals form, it’s fair odds that they felt a chilly breeze when the The New York Times lamented that a Federal Court recently upheld unprecedented amounts of executive power.  An anonymous editorialist: One of the most vital jobs of the federal courts is to […]

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2010-05-23 :: madlibertarianguy // Dumbassery + Government + Journalism
Limits of Editorialism

An unsigned editorial at The New York Times, and a fine example of the exceedingly rare Double Fail: It was only government power that ended slavery and abolished Jim Crow, neither of which would have been eliminated by a purely free market. It was only government power that ended codified slavery and abolished instituted Jim […]

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2010-05-23 :: madlibertarianguy // Journalism + War on Drugs
Watson, a Clue!

Perhaps one of the reasons why we don’t hear about the excessive use and abuse of paramilitary SWAT team units against low level drug users is that, apparently, the only people who want to broadcast anything about it without demonizing those being perpetrated on is Russian TV.

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2010-05-22 :: madlibertarianguy // Dumbassery + Journalism
Blind as a Bat

David Sirota via Salon: I’m always amused by popular references to the allegedly all-powerful American “left.” The term suggests that progressives today possess the same kind of robust, ideologically driven political apparatus as the right — a machine putting principles before party affiliation. This notion is hilarious because it is so absurd. Yet The New […]

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2010-05-22 :: madlibertarianguy // Dumbassery + Journalism

Some Douchebag at Salon: Organizers surround Kentucky’s GOP office and decry Rand Paul’s criticism of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. . . . About 20 protesters gathered outside, some with signs accusing Paul of racism. I’m wondering a couple of things about Salon’s commentary here.  Some things just don’t add up.  1)  His stance on […]

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