
That’s All

Wednesday 27 January 2021 - Filed under Constitution + Covid + Dumbassery + Economy

The economic impact of government shutdowns is only four times worse than the ‘09 financial crisis. The AP:

Four times as many jobs were lost last year due to the coronavirus pandemic as during the worst part of the global financial crisis in 2009, a U.N. report said Monday.

The International Labor Organization estimated that the restrictions on businesses and public life destroyed 8.8% of all work hours around the world last year. That is equivalent to 255 million full-time jobs – quadruple the impact of the financial crisis over a decade ago.

“This has been the most severe crisis for the world of work since The Great Depression of the 1930s. Its impact is far greater than that of the global financial crisis of 2009,” said ILO Director-General Guy Ryder. The fallout was almost equally split between reduced work hours and “unprecedented” job losses, he said.

 The United Nations agency noted that most people who lost work stopped looking for a job altogether, likely because of restrictions on businesses that hire in big numbers like restaurants, bars, stores, hotels and other services that depend on face-to-face interactions. [Emphasis mine]
Not only that, but governors and local politicians and bureaucrats who implemented COvid-inspired business restrictions are apparently racist and misogynist too.
The drop in work translates to a loss of $3.7 trillion in income globally — what Ryder called an “extraordinary figure” — with women and young people taking the biggest hits.


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Tuesday 26 January 2021 - Filed under Cancel Culture + Dumbassery + Education

Sure. Whatever you say, buddy. Campus Reform:

University of Rhode Island and Director of Graduate Studies Erik Loomis recently claimed “science, statistics and technology” are racist.

“Science, statistics, and technology are all inherently racist because they are developed by racists who live in a racist society, whether they identify as racists or not[.]”

How is it that assholes like this are in charge of higher education?

Comments Off on Oh, JFC  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2021-01-26  ::  madlibertarianguy

Roll Your Own

Tuesday 26 January 2021 - Filed under 2A + 2nd Amendment + Firearms

If you’re not rolling your own, you’re doing it wrong. Not only is homemade ammunition much cheaper than factory made, but it’s a great way to customize bullets to your particular gun, and can be used as a commodity in times of emergency.

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Pistol or Short Barreled Rifle (SBR)

Tuesday 26 January 2021 - Filed under 2A + 2nd Amendment + Constitution + Firearms

One of those types demands a tribute payment and permission from government, or face severe punishment. The other does not, and demonstrates the absurdity of gun control laws.

Learn the difference, and get what you need without federal prison.

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Something’s Fucky

Tuesday 26 January 2021 - Filed under Authoritarianism + Constitution + Military + Terrorism + War on Terror

Very fucky. Glenn Greenwald:

Washington, DC has been continuously militarized beginning the week leading up to Joe Biden’s inauguration, when 20,000 National Guard troops were deployed onto the streets of the nation’s capital. The original justification was that this show of massive force was necessary to secure the inauguration in light of the January 6 riot at the Capitol.

But with the inauguration over and done, those troops remain and are not going anywhere any time soon. Working with federal law enforcement agencies, the National Guard Bureau announced on Monday that between 5,000 and 7,000 troops will remain in Washington until at least mid-March.


It is hard to overstate what an extreme state of affairs it is to have a sustained military presence in American streets. Prior deployments have been rare, and usually were approved for a limited period and/or in order to quell a very specific, ongoing uprising — to ensure the peaceful segregation of public schools in the South, to respond to the unrest in Detroit and Chicago in the 1960s, or to quell the 1991 Los Angeles riots that erupted after the Rodney King trial.

Deploying National Guard or military troops for domestic law enforcement purposes is so dangerous that laws in place from the country’s founding strictly limit its use. It is meant only as a last resort, when concrete, specific threats are so overwhelming that they cannot be quelled by regular law enforcement absent military reinforcements. Deploying active military troops is an even graver step than putting National Guard soldiers on the streets, but they both present dangers. As Trump’s Defense Secretary said in response to calls from some over the summer to deploy troops in response to the Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests: “The option to use active duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire of situations.”

But the bullshit doesn’t end there. A mere 7 months ago, the entirety of the establishment left decried an op-Ed by Tom Cotton which argued for using NG troops to quell rioting and rampant destruction that had been ongoing for months in dozens of cities nationwide, including various attacks on federal buildings, INCLUDING THE CAPITOL. Now they cheer it on as necessary, because reasons:

What makes this all the more remarkable is that a mere seven months ago, a major controversy erupted when The New York Times published an op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) which, at its core, advocated the deployment of military troops to quell the social unrest, protests and riots that erupted over the summer after the killing in Minneapolis of George Floyd.


The backlash to the publication of this op-ed was immediate, intense, and, at least in my memory, unprecedented. Very few people were interested in engaging the merits of Cotton’s call for a deployment of troops in order to prove the argument was misguided.

Their view was not that Cotton’s plea for soldiers in the streets was misguided, but that advocacy for it was so obscene, so extremist, so dangerous and repugnant, that the mere publication of the op-ed by The Paper of Record was an act of grave immorality.

Like I said, something’s fucky. The idea that we need more troops in DC than in all of Afghanistan is borne of pure propaganda. This precedent of troops being deployed in the US is an exceptionally bad one.

Comments Off on Something’s Fucky  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2021-01-26  ::  madlibertarianguy

Peak Stupidity

Tuesday 26 January 2021 - Filed under Authoritarianism + Covid + Dumbassery + Teh Science!

I’m convinced that there is no such thing as peak stupid. The New York Post:

Cats and dogs may also need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to help stunt the spread of the infectious disease — amid a threat of the “continued evolution of the virus in animals,” scientists have warned.

Researchers at the University of East Anglia and the Earlham Institute, both in the UK, and the University of Minnesota warned about the “significant long-term risk to public health” from such transmission in an editorial for Virulence.

“It is not unthinkable that vaccination of some domesticated animal species might … be necessary to curb the spread of the infection,” the experts wrote in the peer-reviewed medical journal, the UK’s Independent reported.

Nothing says SCIENCE! like making proclamations without a single shred of evidence. It’s almost like they’re trying hard to draw out this government created nightmare as long as they can.

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Yes, All Of Them.

Sunday 24 January 2021 - Filed under Covid + Dumbassery + Education + Unions

Fire every last one of them. Greg Polowitz on Twitchy:

Members of the Chicago Teachers Union voted overwhelmingly on Sunday to continue teaching from home as the city planned to begin in-person education on Monday[.]

They‘re full of shit. Schools are safe, and we’ve known it for several months. Kids are in real trouble because of the overwrought pandemic response, and these bullshit teachers unions are actively making it worse.

Comments Off on Yes, All Of Them.  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2021-01-24  ::  madlibertarianguy

Rules For Thee, Not For Me

Friday 22 January 2021 - Filed under Authoritarianism + Covid + Dumbassery + Teh Science!

Rules are for thee, not for me, peasant. FEE:

The same day Biden signed his executive order, he and his family were spotted maskless at the Lincoln Memorial—a clear violation of the order he had signed that very morning.


“He was celebrating an evening of a historic day in our country,” said [White House Press Secretary] Psaki, who also rattled off many of the actions the administration was taking to slow the spread of the virus.

The reporter persisted. He asked if Biden, who has repeatedly pointed out the importance of elected officials setting an example, was sending the wrong message to Americans.

“I think the power of his example is also the message he sends by signing 25 executive orders, including almost half of them related to COVID,” Psaki said. “I think we have bigger issues to worry about.”

Even Biden knows it’s all fucking theater.

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The World They Want

Friday 22 January 2021 - Filed under Authoritarianism + Cancel Culture + Dumbassery

This is the world they want everyone to live in.

Excuse me, “I’m sorry I recommended a business without checking and asking,” asking what?

“Wow, thanks for being so kind and helpful and encouraging to me…but before I tell anyone how great you are as a person and as a sleep consultant, you aren’t by chance a Republican, are you?

They want you unpersoned. It doesn’t matter what sort of good you might bring in to the world, if you dare vote Republican, you will be cancelled. You will not be judged by your acts, but by your political affiliations.

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JFC – Part Whatever

Friday 22 January 2021 - Filed under Dumbassery

That this product exists at all, and that someone bought it, should be enough to prove that our culture in an inferno too.

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