The other day I wrote about how the governor of South Carolina had vetoed a bill which would raise SC cigarette taxes by $.50 per pack stating, A politician finally understands that placing a large burden on a small set of the population cannot fix our budget problems. Good for SC. Alas, today the state […]
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It’s not often that the Times prints something worth reading, but I’ll take what I can get. Though there are some deep flaws in Leonhardt’s argument, like the idea that tax hikes should be on the table initially,1 and that government is the best – perhaps only – provider of advanced hospitals, education, etc, the […]
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A politician finally understands that placing a large burden on a small set of the population cannot fix our budget problems. Good for SC. Here in the Bluegrass, cigarette taxes used to be amongst the lowest in the nation. That is until they were raised twice in the beginning of 2009 in a period of […]
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