
Finally. Someone Gets It!

Tuesday 11 May 2010 - Filed under Government + Legislation + Taxation

Cigarettes-MoneyA politician finally understands that placing a large burden on a small set of the population cannot fix our budget problems.  Good for SC.  Here in the Bluegrass, cigarette taxes used to be amongst the lowest in the nation.  That is until they were raised twice in the beginning of 2009 in a period of 30 days, a $0.30 per pack raise by the state, and the biggest federal tobacco tax hike in history, raising cigarettes by $0.92 per pack.  But who gives a shit that most smokers are in lower income brackets: we’ll excise tax the shit out of those poor fuckers and force them to acquiesce.  And who says that Obama’s tax raises won’t affect anyone who makes over $250,000 a year?  Obama:  looking out for the little guy (so long as you bend to his social agenda).

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2010-05-11  »  madlibertarianguy


  1. Apparently Not | mad libertarian guy
    13 May 2010 @ 3:58 pm

    […] other day I wrote about how the governor of South Carolina had vetoed a bill which would raise SC cigarette taxes by […]