
Couldn’t Have Said it Better

Wednesday 26 May 2010 - Filed under Rand Paul

Eschew ObfuscationWell, yes I could have if I actually tried.  The style is truncated and choppy (too many one sentence paragraphs which are a bit annoying), but his message is clearly stated.  Robert A. Leavy via Politico:

So Paul stands foursquare for civil rights but acknowledges the Civil Rights Act’s possible disconnect from the Constitution. His position is therefore intellectually honest, unlike those who insist that, because the Civil Rights Act is beneficent, it must necessarily be constitutional.
. . .

First and foremost, the Constitution is a code of conduct for the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government. Both federal and state officials breached that code when they condoned slavery and, later, Jim Crow laws that mandated racial segregation.

Of course, the media have used Paul’s forthright if impolitic pronouncement as an occasion to disparage his libertarian — that is, classic liberal — philosophy. Not surprisingly, critics either do not understand or willfully distort basic libertarian principles. For starters, libertarians are proponents of limited government. We are not anarchists. (Emphasis mine)

The conclusions about Rand Paul and Libertarianism to which many Libertards jumped after Paul’s Maddow interview are a clear indication that the entire establishment is as intellectually dishonest as they come.

2010-05-26  »  madlibertarianguy