
Yet More Evidence of Progressive Failure

Thursday 17 June 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + Economy + Government + Legislation

Lori Montgomery and Brady Dennis of The Washington Post on the rejection of yet more spending:

The Senate effectively rejected a slimmed-down package of jobless benefits and state aid late Thursday, rebuffing President Obama’s call for urgent action to bolster the economic recovery.

Sens. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) and Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) voted with a united Republican caucus to block the approximately $120 billion package. The measure needed 60 votes to advance, but garnered only 56.

I thought that the nearly 1,000,000,000,000 dollars we government spent last year was what was supposed to have stimulated the economy.  If ever there were a sign of failure for the stimulus bill, asking for shitload more money for the exact same reason just 1 year later is it.

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2010-06-17  »  madlibertarianguy