
More Social Engineering

Friday 9 July 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery

You gotta love it when government do-goodery makes no fucking sense whatsoever. Jason Kuznicki of the Cato Institute on San Francisco’s absofuckinglutely ridiculous ban of sugary soft drink sales on city property:

Finally, I could point out that banning vending-machine drinks while leaving Starbucks untouched is a pretty rank example of class privilege at work — my indulgences are sophisticated and upper-class, while yours are vulgar and prole.

[. . .]

But really, it’s a lot simpler than that. What I should say is that your body is yours. Liberals themselves would tell you just the same in many other contexts. It’s yours to do with as you see fit. It’s yours to use, and it’s yours to use up, as Dan Savage once put it. (Can bans on risky sex be far behind?)

I mean, seriously; what the fuck are they thinking. It’s your body when it comes to abortion, rightly so, yet drinking soda is somehow so terrible for both individuals and the public at large that government feels it can ban the drinking of soda.

For this, San Francisco, you can fucking forget me ever visiting your fucking city. Ever. If you’re so self righteous as to ban goddamn soda, you clearly don’t want anyone who likes freedom even just a little bit going there.

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2010-07-09  »  madlibertarianguy

Talkback x 2

  1. World Wide News Flash
    9 July 2010 @ 2:13 am

    More Social Engineering…

    I found your entry interesting do I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog :)…

  2. Anna!
    9 July 2010 @ 6:46 am

    So, do employee of the government who hold outdoor jobs (like soldiers in the desert) have to pay this tax, or will their employer (the US Federal Government) be required to pay it, as they are the ones supporting this “risky” exposure to the sun?