
Why Aren’t They Already Required?

Monday 19 July 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + Firearms

I’m not exactly sure why cops, those fine representatives of the state most likely to violate one’s civil rights, aren’t already required to take a course on basic Constitutional law. From a federal judge’s decision in a ruling where a man was denied a concealed Carry permit on first amendment grounds:

In denying Paul a concealed weapons permit, Sheriff Weber single-handedly hijacked the First Amendment and nullified its freedoms and protections. Ironically, Sheriff Weber, sworn to uphold the Constitution, in fact retaliated against a citizen of his county who used this important freedom of speech and association precisely in the manner envisioned by the founding members of our nation

[. . .]

In doing so, [he] severely trampled the Constitution and Paul’s First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and association. This is a great reminder that the First Amendment protects the sole individual who may be a gadfly, kook, weirdo, nut job, whacko, and spook, with the same force of protection as folks with more majoritarian and popular views.

But the best part, aside from Paul receiving justice:

U.S. District Court Judge Mark W. Bennett has ordered Osceola County Sheriff Douglas L. Weber [. . .] to complete a college-level course involving the First Amendment.

Awesome. We need more like Judge Bennett.

2010-07-19  »  madlibertarianguy