
Phrase of the Day

Tuesday 20 July 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + Government + Legislation

Political Expediency. Republicans back away from their (correct) stance of withholding further unemployment extensions which are not paid for by equivalent spending cuts elsewhere in the budget, rather than adding yet another $100 billion or so to the public national debt.  Only so long can a party be publicly accused of hating the unfortunate before giving in to expediency.

The demotards should be fucking ridiculed for shaming Republitards in to backing away from what was a very reasonable compromise.  That demotards wouldn’t even fucking consider spending cuts elsewhere in the 3 trillion dollar budget shows that they just don’t give a shit about the American people at all, or future generations who will pay dearly for our own utter fucking lack of fiscal sensibility.

2010-07-20  »  madlibertarianguy