
Why the DC Establishment is Distasteful

Wednesday 18 August 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + election

The New York Times on a close Senate Race between Majority Leader and longtime establishment Democrat Harry Reid, and Sharron Angle, where a Tea Party candidate may beat the most powerful man in Washington behind Obama:

Mr. Reid’s advisers made clear that the only way they could win was to make Ms. Angle so distasteful to Nevada voters that they would vote for Mr. Reid or someone else — it is possible here to vote for “none of the above” — or stay home

The establishment complains that Tea Party candidates haven’t offered any solutions to the problems they perceive in government, yet here, we have the very embodiment of a current Washington DC political class fucktard openly stating that their only play is a fucking smear campaign.

It’s seems pretty fuckin’ clear who is running low on valid ideas.

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2010-08-18  »  madlibertarianguy