
Deja Vu

Monday 6 September 2010 - Filed under Uncategorized

I thought I heard somebody say something about the “end of combat operations” or something? WaPo:

Just five days after the United States declared the end of its combat mission in Iraq, U.S. soldiers opened fire Sunday morning on suicide bombers who snuck into an Iraqi army base in Baghdad, a U.S. military spokesman said.

I’m sure the 50,000 remaining “non-combat” troops feel much better about being forward deployed in a war zone because Obama said the war is over.1


1. Certainly no better than when Bush landed triumphantly on an air craft carrier declaring mission accomplished back in 2003. That too was done in a fit of unadulterated douchebaggery.

2010-09-06  »  madlibertarianguy


  1. Anna!
    6 September 2010 @ 7:04 am

    Good to see being a douchebag transcends race, creed, and political affiliation. Or should that be Vaginal irrigation-American?