
We Can Only Hope

Monday 13 September 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + election + Taxation + Tea Party

We can only hope that the slight fracturing of Democrats will result in the same kind of party split that the Republican party is currently seeing with the emergence of the tea party and their aversion to big government (ostensibly even Republitardian big government). We can expect no relief from government presure if the current political establishment is allowed to maintain the status quo. Politico:

Red-district Democrats are pressuring Speaker Nancy Pelosi to extend Bush-era income tax rates for all brackets, revealing a high-stakes rift between the party’s vulnerable moderates and its safe liberals as the issue increasingly dominates the national debate.

Sooner or later, moderate democrats will realize that they have absolutely nothing in common with the progressives who are currently running the party (with the exception of (rightfully) hating neo-conism), and will make a bold political move in the same way that the tea party has in its split from establishment republicanism. We can only hope that this move will be sooner than later. Politicians have moved their respective parties far beyond their professed platform in to the land of ideologues, and it’s time that Americans take the political process back from the fringe neo-cons on the right and progressives on the left.

2010-09-13  »  madlibertarianguy