
A Mandate

Sunday 7 November 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + election + Government

The Washington Post on Obama’s disconnect from the average citizen in wake of the Democrats’ vast losses in Congress:

As Democrats try to get back on their feet and adjust to the new reality of divided government, they say there are opportunities to be found in the next two years. Anxious, impatient, dissatisfied voters, they say, did not embrace the GOP agenda but rather rejected the way business got done in Democratic-controlled Washington.

Let us hope that the new crop of Republitards remembers that this election was a referrendum on Obama’s agenda rather than seeing their vote in to power as a mandate of conservatism. Not spending money is Washington is one thing; imposing conservative values via legislation is another. Obama made the mistake of misunderstanding his ascension to power as a vote for progressivism, and he was handed his ass. Maybe Republitards aren’t as stupid?

2010-11-07  »  madlibertarianguy