
Just for the Proles

Wednesday 24 November 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + Government + War on Terror

Unsurprisingly, many government officials, including congress and other bureaucrats don’t have to pass through TSA security checkpoints at airports and be subjected to the same undignified treatment of us potential terrorists.

Cabinet secretaries, top congressional leaders and an exclusive group of senior U.S. officials are exempt from toughened new airport screening procedures when they fly commercially with government-approved federal security details.

Aviation security officials would not name those who can skip the controversial screening, but other officials said those VIPs range from top officials like Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and FBI Director Robert Mueller to congressional leaders like incoming House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, who avoided security before a recent flight from Washington’s Reagan National Airport.

Having our dignity taken and balls fondled is just for the proles, I guess.

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2010-11-24  »  madlibertarianguy