
A Small Wager

Friday 16 September 2011 - Filed under Uncategorized

How much would you like to bet that this little temper-tantrum amounts to absolutely zero?

You may be laughing, but the the Ragers are deadly serious about this. “Is America Ripe for a Tahrir Moment?” is the event’s slogan, referring to the occupation of Cairo’s Tahrir Square by millions of Egyptians, leading to the overthrow of Mubarak and marking the climactic moment of the “Arab Spring.”

The plan is to protest in state capitals and major cities across the nation, but the focus of the revolution will be in New York, where a hoped-for 20,000 anti-capitalists will “occupy” Wall Street, by which they mean set up a grungy temporary encampment on the sidewalk somewhere near the Stock Exchange in order to garner media attention for their message.

So their big plan is to protest sorry, start a “revolution” on Wall Street and at various state capitals. On a Saturday when NO ONE WILL FUCKING BE THERE. Smart folk, these.

2011-09-16  »  madlibertarianguy


  1. Just Like I Thought | mad libertarian guy
    19 September 2011 @ 4:49 pm

    […] the “Day of Rage” protest I wrote about last week turned out just like I thought it would: a Epic Fail. PajamasMedia: September 17 was supposed to be […]