
The Only Alternative is Government Force

Monday 19 September 2011 - Filed under Uncategorized

Apparently, even those within the solar power industry are acutely aware that solar technology is not a technology that the American marketplace, people who buy shit with their own money, has decided is a winner.

[Competing with China, which has invested untold billions of dollars in solar technology] requires major investments in research and development, said Peter Lynch, an investment analyst who specializes in the solar industry. In addition, he said, policymakers need to help develop a predictable investment climate by offering consistent tax credits and other subsidies for the industry, as well as policies that encourage reliance on low-carbon electricity.

They understand that the only way for their industry, via which they will make ass loads of (taxpayer) money and garner huge amounts of political power, is via the use of government force. In other words, government needs to force this technology on people in order for it to be economically viable and technologically competitive, and those in the solar industry are willing to make that happen.

2011-09-19  »  madlibertarianguy