
Those Obstructionist Republicans

Tuesday 20 September 2011 - Filed under Uncategorized

TPM Muckraker reporting the reaction to President Obama’s bid to yet again raise taxes:

President Obama’s deficit-reduction plan–complete with tax increases on the wealthiest Americans–won high marks from his liberal base encouraged to see Obama back in fighting mode, but the plan is set to hit a brick wall in Congress — even in the Democratically controlled Senate and the bipartisan super committee.

Moderate Senate Democrats are signaling strong resistance to tax increases in the President’s deficit-reduction plan, and the early disapproval within his own party will no doubt give Republicans on the deficit super committee plenty of cover to block any and all revenue-raising aspects of Obama’s plan.

Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) told reporters Monday night that he’s put off by all the talk about increasing taxes when he believes the primary and only goal of the deficit super committee should be finding cuts to hack away at the deficit.

Yeah, everything is all those obstructionist Republicans’ fault. Clearly the only people still beating the “tax the rich” drum when talking about solving our fiscal woes are far left ideologues; everyone else is saying that the only responsible course of action to to hack the ever living shit out of the budget, then perhaps come back to the table and try and make up some gaps with very targeted tax increases.

2011-09-20  »  madlibertarianguy