
Drug War Madness

Sunday 25 September 2011 - Filed under Uncategorized

Cops, driving around town arresting people for getting high, while high. And giggling about it.

Three Houston police officers are under investigation after claims they got high while on duty. And the claim, made by a man accused of drug possession, are backed up with something undeniable — the words of the officers themselves.

[. . .]

After allegedly eating the pot brownies and arresting Hill and two others, the officers went downstairs to their patrol car and started typing on their in-car computers.

The city saves all those and we have them:

At 2:44 in the morning one officer — we aren’t naming them — writes the other, “So HIGH…Good munchies”

The other writes back, “Everything should be open when we get done.”

First officer: “Two hours, max.”

“Probably, but this will take the whole shift.”

“If they actually are true, then we’re talking about is destruction of evidence. That’s a felony. We’re talking about official misconduct. We’re potentially talking about police offices driving around the city of Houston high on drugs, conducting official police business while high on drugs. It’s a pretty big deal,” Cahill said.

The head of the internal affairs division knew about this before we called and told us it’s considered a big deal inside the department. The officers involved are still on the job but will be drug tested and investigated.

Who knows what will show up four months after the fact but Executive Assistant Chief Mike Dirden admits, incidents like this can put “the integrity of the department at risk.”

I’d say that not only does the Houston police department have no credibility, but the entire drug war as well. It’s nice to know that the officers are still getting paid despite their rank hypocrisy and evidence from their own fingers that they were high on the job.

2011-09-25  »  madlibertarianguy