More Academic Freedom
Thursday 29 September 2011 - Filed under Uncategorized
FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) concerning a faculty member at the University of Wisconsin – Stout hanging a poster with qupte from the TV series Firefly:
The chancellor of University of Wisconsin-Stout (UWS) has declared that he will not defend faculty First Amendment rights from censorship. UWS censored theater professor James Miller’s poster featuring a line from actor Nathan Fillion’s character in Joss Whedon’s television series Firefly. Campus police threatened Miller with criminal disorderly conduct charges, and he was reported to the “threat assessment team.” After UWS censored his second poster, which stated, “Warning: Fascism,” Miller came to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for help. In the midst of FIRE’s national campaign to restore faculty rights at UWS, the university is standing by its absurd claim that both posters were “implied threat[s] of violence.”
Academia is NOT about advocating intellectual freedom or curiosity, but about enforcing and perpetuating the party line deeply rooted in their theory that “on paper, Marxism is best”.
2011-09-29 » madlibertarianguy