
Got to Stop

Sunday 20 November 2011 - Filed under Uncategorized

I’m no fan of the Occupy movement. I’m of mind that most of them are little more than spoiled brats who are throwing an epic temper tantrum because the world isn’t filled with high paying, non-corporate jobs for humanities majors that will allow them to continue living in their posh, big city neighborhoods.

But this shit has to stop. Reason:

Another veteran was also badly injured at Occupy Oakland. Kayvan Sabehgi, former marine, suffered a ruptured spleen from being beaten by police around midnight on November 3.

And whatever you think of some protester’s tactics and actions, particularly those related to the General Strike, this newly released footage, given to The Guardian, is painful to watch. Sabehgi, who was just walking home when he ran into cops, is perhaps disobeying police orders. He is not immediately dispersing. He is also wildly outnumbered and is not violent.

I’m sorry, but the cops DO NOT have a right to beat the shit out of someone because he refused to obey an order. Arrest? Sure (even though I’m not even too keen on that). Dragged the fuck away? Fine. But beating someone with a billy club is ALWAYS across the line unless the person gettin’ an ass whoopin’ has acted in a violent manner towards the police and was an active threat.

2011-11-20  »  madlibertarianguy