
It’s Your Fault

Wednesday 7 December 2011 - Filed under Uncategorized

An excellent point over at Bleeding Heart Libertarians concerning the left’s complicity in creating our corporatist state:

America is suffering from rampant, run-away corporatism and crony capitalism. We are increasingly a plutocracy in which government serves the interests of elite financiers and CEOs at the expense of everyone else.

You know this and you complain loudly about it. But the problem is your fault. You caused this state of affairs. Stop it.

Unlike we libertarianish people, you people actually hold and have been holding significant political power in the US over the past 50 years. What have you done with this power? You’ve greased the corporatist machine every chance you’ve gotten. You’ve made things worse, not better. Our current problems are your fault. You need to stop.


It gets tiresome to read the blame that so many leftists place on libertarians as if we have had any political power at all, while doing everything possible to absolve their policy preferences (and outcomes) of any blame for our current state.

2011-12-07  »  madlibertarianguy