
Who Could’ve Known?

Wednesday 25 January 2012 - Filed under Uncategorized

There’s just no way to predict that this could happen. None.

Actors in adult movies filmed in Los Angeles will be required to use condoms under an ordinance signed into law by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, in a move that industry leaders say could lead them to abandon the nation’s porn capital.

And don’t you love it when two third party actors conspire together in order to “protect” you?

Officials with the Aids Healthcare Foundation, which lobbied for years for such a law, welcomed the decision and said they would turn their attention to getting a similar condom requirement adopted elsewhere.

“The city of Los Angeles has done the right thing. They’ve done the right thing for the performers,” said Michael Weinstein, president of the foundation, which had pushed for the measure for six years.

He said its adoption was crucial in protecting adult film actors from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

You mean the HIV that the trade association for the porn industry claims hasn’t been transmitted amongst those in the porn industry for over 5 years?

The definition of evil is using the government to force measures on others under penalty of law.

2012-01-25  »  madlibertarianguy