
In Deeper Waters

Tuesday 31 January 2012 - Filed under Uncategorized

Holder is a sack of lying shit despite his various pleas to the contrary. The New York Post:

It’s not the crime, it’s the coverup, goes the old Washington cliché. In the case of the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal, it’s both.

As Attorney General Eric Holder gets ready to face more congressional grilling Thursday, something’s clearly rotten at the Justice Department. The stench goes all the way to the top — to Holder.

Friday, the feds disclosed documents that show that despite Holder’s claim during congressional testimony that he’d only learned of F&F “a few weeks” earlier (a claim later amended to “a couple of months”), he has known (or should have known) about it all along.

That information came in a series of e-mails in which the former US attorney in Arizona, Dennis Burke, discussed the F&F’s first fatality, agent Brian Terry, with a Holder deputy. The e-mails were sent in the early hours of Dec. 15, 2010, the day Terry died of wounds received the day before in a shootout 18 miles inside the US border, near Nogales.

The deputy, Monty Wilkinson, responded: “Tragic. I’ve alerted the AG.”

As much as Holder deserves justice for launching an operation designed specifically to pass stricter gun legislation and allowing thousands of weapons to “disappear” in to the hands of the cartels only to be used to murder people, we will never see it, because that’s just not how the Chicago political machine works.

2012-01-31  »  madlibertarianguy