

Wednesday 19 September 2012 - Filed under Uncategorized


In 2005, an epidemiologist, Katherine Flegal, analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and found that the biggest risks of death were associated with being at either end of the spectrum — underweight or severely obese. The lowest mortality risks were among those in the overweight category (B.M.I.s of 25 to 30), while moderate obesity (30 to 35) offered no more risk than being in the normal-weight category.

That’s big news. Culture changing. But there’s one problem:

That is a message that may take a long time to reach your family physician, however. “Paradigm shifts take time,” Ms. Bacon said. “They also take courage. Not many people are willing to challenge the weight conventions. They’re just too culturally embedded, and the risk of going against convention is too high.”

We’ll see if the science leads to good policy rather than being dictated by it. Something tells me that the health nannies, who claim to be of the party of science, won’t get the memo.

2012-09-19  »  madlibertarianguy