
Republicans Aren’t the Only Ones Demanding Answers

Friday 28 September 2012 - Filed under Uncategorized

CBS on the Obama administration’s insistence on trying jedi mind tricks in regards to the various embassy attacks on 9/11 and after:

The Washington Post on Thursday published a timeline of the White House responses over the last two weeks, from the initial claims that the attacks were the result of protests over the anti-Muslim video, to the Tuesday admission that the four Americans killed in the violence were victims of a “terrorist attack on our embassy,” to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s suggestion on Wednesday that al Qaeda or other similar terrorist groups may have somehow figured into the attacks.

In the aftermath of the incident, some have questioned the security measures in Benghazi that allowed the attacks to penetrate the American embassy – leading to the death of four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya – as well as the White House’s explanation of how the events unfolded.

On Wednesday, the Daily Beast published a report suggesting that U.S. officials knew terrorists were behind the attacks within 24 hours – even while members of the administration were still publicly tying them to the video.

Even now that the Obama administration says the attacks were the work of terrorists, it maintains there is no evidence to suggest the attacks were “pre-planned” or “well-coordinated.” And President Obama has not personally used the word “terrorism” or “terrorist” in relation to the Benghazi attack.

Republicans aren’t the only ones who want answers. It’s obvious why the administration is spinning this story dizzy, but we deserve real answers if we’re to take you serious that the welfare of the country, and not his being reelected, is Obama’s most important priority.

2012-09-28  »  madlibertarianguy