
Race and Politics

Friday 14 December 2012 - Filed under Uncategorized

I wasn’t aware that not subscribing to thought pre-approved for you was a sign that you couldn’t be black (enough). Robert Parker on RGIII:

I’ve talked to some people in Washington, D.C. Some people in [Griffin’s] press conferences. Some people I’ve known for a long time. My question, which is just a straight, honest question, is … is he a ‘brother,’ or is he a cornball ‘brother?’ He’s not really … he’s black, but he’s not really down with the cause. He’s not one of us. He’s kind of black, but he’s not really like the guy you’d want to hang out with. I just want to find out about him. I don’t know, because I keep hearing these things. He has a white fiancĂ©, people talking about that he’s a Republican … there’s no information at all. I’m just trying to dig deeper into why he has an issue.

Oh, wait. Yes I am.

2012-12-14  »  madlibertarianguy