

Thursday 21 February 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

Remember, folks: it’s only Republicans that use fear as a means to manipulate the electorate. Politico:

Prepare for the end of food safety as we have known it. For a breakdown in public order. For little children languishing in ignorance. If only Edward Gibbon were here to chronicle the devastation. On March 1, the fabric of our civilization begins to unwind.

That’s when the economy begins to stall and we turn our back on our values, all because the federal government will have to begin to cut a few tens of billions of dollars from the largest budget the world has ever known.

This is the lurid fairy tale spun by President Barack Obama. In the fight over the sequester, he is resorting to the tried-and-true (and tiresome) strategy of every official confronted with budget cuts he doesn’t want to implement, from the commander in chief to a lowly bureaucrat toiling at some school district: maximize the scare-mongering and pain.

Because if we cut our budget back to the draconian spending levels of 2008, we’d be just like Somalia.

2013-02-21  »  madlibertarianguy