
“It’s Not Like Any Other Drug”

Monday 19 July 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + War on Drugs

Indiana, moving in reverse:

Over-the-counter cold medicines with an ingredient used to make Meth may soon only be available by prescription in Indiana.

“When you do it you understand how addictive it is, I mean it is not like any other drug,” explained a meth user.

You’re right. No other drug has caused legislators to go apeshit crazy since crack in the 80s. Good job prolonging the misery of everyone who gets a goddamn cold so that you can “stop”1 less than 1% of your population from doing meth.

1. And by “stop” they surely mean “force meth users to find another way” because, if the thousands of other measures they’ve undertaken to get people to stop using drugs in this eternal war on people drugs are any indication as to how this will play out, they won’t be stopping anything other than people from feeling better when they have a fucking cold.

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2010-07-19  »  madlibertarianguy


  1. Anna!
    19 July 2010 @ 6:02 pm

    Right… cause that will prevent a meth user. Because going to an emergency room in the middle of the night to obtain a prescription for an aliment that does not exist isn’t the modus operandi for oxycodin and dilaudid abusers. All this will do to raise the costs of healthcare as hospitals raises their costs to compensate for the increase of uninsured, unemployed, meth users that could care less about their own teeth much less care about their credit rating.