
File: Economy

Or at least it won’t be something that people will comply with. PJ Media: Here Come the ‘Climate Lockdowns’ Fuck. Off.

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2021-01-27 :: madlibertarianguy // Constitution + Covid + Dumbassery + Economy
That’s All

The economic impact of government shutdowns is only four times worse than the ‘09 financial crisis. The AP: Four times as many jobs were lost last year due to the coronavirus pandemic as during the worst part of the global financial crisis in 2009, a U.N. report said Monday. The International Labor Organization estimated that […]

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2021-01-22 :: madlibertarianguy // Authoritarianism + Covid + Dumbassery + Economy + Government

It’s a good thing Democrats have their priorities in order. Breitbart: While Democrats have identified additional coronavirus relief as a legislative priority, they are also focused on convicting Trump in the forthcoming Senate impeachment trial, with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) expressing hope they will be able to prevent Trump from running for office in the […]

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Fuck every lockdown supporter. The Cut: Starting on April 6, a bearded and earnest neuroscientist at the University of Oregon named Philip Fisher began to send a digital questionnaire — at first weekly, and then, beginning in August, biweekly — to a representative group of a thousand American families with young children. He’s curious about […]

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Foreseen consequences are NOT unintended. Public health officials and regulators who have battled for years against smoking may be inadvertently bolstering the tobacco market with their strong stand against e-cigarettes, some financial analysts say. While certain experts view the products as a potentially game-changing safe alternative to smoking, many health organizations have warned of their […]

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I highly doubt that the science verifying the efficacy of using e-cigarettes as a far more healthy form of ingesting nicotine than traditional cigarettes, and a legitimate means to quit smoking analogs will have any bearing whatsoever on the FDA, which has vowed to hang its looming regulation of the industry on the frame of […]

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How government kills a nascent industry and ensures that small, independent competitors have a massive barrier to entry in to the market: The federal government wants to ban sales of electronic cigarettes to minors and require approval for new products and health warning labels under regulations being proposed by the Food and Drug Administration. While […]

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2014-02-14 :: madlibertarianguy // Dumbassery + Economy + Environment + Science + Teh Science!

When 95% of your models are wrong, it’s time that you revise the theory that drives the models, and it’s time to stop warning about the end of the world with the information you get from the models. Dr. Roy Spencer: I’m seeing a lot of wrangling over the recent (15+ year) pause in global […]

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“Dear beautiful America, please, stop moving Forward.” I now live in Northern California, in the heart of the Bay Area, thousands of miles away from my homeland. And yet the poison of Soviet propaganda seeps through college dorms just as it did in Soviet classrooms. Stop a random youth on the street and you’ll find […]

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2014-01-06 :: madlibertarianguy // Dumbassery + Economy + Education
Student Loans: A Bad Deal

More evidence of the obvious: that pumping in billions of free and cheap money in to higher education is directly responsible for both the massive collective student debt of over $1T, as well as for the constant rise in tuition rates that are far above inflation. As combined student loan debts balloon to over $1 […]

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