
What’s Worse

Tuesday 26 February 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

You know what’s worse than eating deer meat donated by hunters? Fucking starvation!

Hunters across Louisiana are outraged after state health officials ordered a rescue mission to destroy $8,000 worth of deer meat because venison is not allowed to be served in homeless shelters.

The Dept. of Health and Hospitals ordered the staff at the Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission to throw 1,600 pounds of donated venison in garbage bins – and then ordered then to douse the meat with Clorox – so other animals would not eat the meat.

“Deer meat is not permitted to be served in a shelter, restaurant or any other public eating establishment in Louisiana,” said a Health Dept. official in an email to Fox News. “While we applaud the good intentions of the hunters who donated this meat, we must protect the people who eat at the Rescue Mission, and we cannot allow a potentially serious health threat to endanger the public.”

Hunters generously donate perfectly good meat to the homeless, and a bureaucrat in a suit, who’s likely never had game meat, decides it’s “unfit” for consumption by those who have no fucking food to eat. It’s criminal to deny healthy meat to the homeless because it somehow violates some code designed for restaurants. The “Health Department Official” who ordered this meat to be destroyed ought to be publicly humiliated and pelted with tomatoes by the very homeless he’s denied food.

Comments Off on What’s Worse  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2013-02-26  ::  madlibertarianguy

Racist Liberals

Sunday 24 February 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

Sheth is absolutely right in his article when he calls out liberals for what he terms “liberal racial hypocrisy.” Liberals rail against a black kid being shot by a white hispanic guy, but then turn around and try and convince us that killing brown people overseas via murder drones, many of them innocent women and children, is absolutely necessary for the security of our nation (as long as its Obama and not some horrible Republican pulling the proverbial trigger anyways). It is hypocritical. But what I find interesting, being that he was addressing liberals and their hypocrisy on matters of race, is his utter silence on their open and proud racism when talking about conservative blacks like Clarence Thomas. He isn’t a highly respected justice on the Supreme Court; to liberals, he’s nothing more than a kowtowing Uncle Tom lawn jockey house nigger who hates himself and his race because he dares think thoughts not approved for blacks by the liberal elite. They call me racist for wanting to dismantle the welfare state and desiring a much smaller government, yet somehow miss their own racism when go after blacks relentlessly when they happen to differ in their ideology.

Comments Off on Racist Liberals  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2013-02-24  ::  madlibertarianguy

The Horror!

Sunday 24 February 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

Dear God, man! We MUST Do Something™. If Congress doesn’t somehow avert sequestration, law makers might be forced to . . . to . . . fly commercial.

Comments Off on The Horror!  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2013-02-24  ::  madlibertarianguy

Industrial Hysteria Complex

Sunday 24 February 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

Because if we go back to the draconian spending levels we had during the utterly dark days of 2008 we would be just like Somalia. George Will:

Even during this desultory economic recovery, one industry thrives — the manufacture of synthetic hysteria. It is, however, inaccurate to accuse the Hysteric in Chief of crying “Wolf!” about spending cuts under the sequester. He is actually crying “Hamster!”

As in: Batten down the hatches — the sequester will cut $85 billion from this year’s $3.6 trillion budget! Or: Head for the storm cellar — spending will be cut 2.3 percent! Or: Washington chain-saw massacre — we must scrape by on 97.7 percent of current spending! Or: Chaos is coming because the sequester will cut a sum $25 billion larger than was just shoveled out the door (supposedly, but not actually) for victims of Hurricane Sandy! Or: Heaven forfend, the sequester will cut 47 percent as much as was spent on the AIG bailout! Or: Famine, pestilence and locusts will come when the sequester causes federal spending over 10 years to plummet from $46 trillion all the way down to $44.8 trillion! Or: Grass will grow in the streets of America’s cities if the domestic agencies whose budgets have increased 17 percent under President Obama must endure a 5 percent cut!

The sequester has forced liberals to clarify their conviction that whatever the government’s size is at any moment, it is the bare minimum necessary to forestall intolerable suffering.

Hysteria: it’s what’s for dinner.

Comments Off on Industrial Hysteria Complex  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2013-02-24  ::  madlibertarianguy

Reason 1,254,993

Thursday 21 February 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

Teachers refusing to grade a paper with the assigned topic of writing about anything they wanted, because he disagreed with the content. The Daily Caller:

An English teacher at Denton High School on the edge of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex allegedly told students to write a few sentences about whatever topic they wanted for an assignment on Monday. However, the teacher then refused to grade the work of two students because they mentioned guns.

When the students — both seniors — wrote about innocuous gun-related themes, the teacher, Dewey Christian, scolded them in front of the class. Classmates laughed, and the students were humiliated, reports KDFW, the local FOX affiliate.

Christian further informed them that their writing would yield big, fat zeros unless they wrote new paragraphs on other topics.

“Mr. Christian said, ‘I want y’all to write a paper about a fun experience y’all had — a nice experience,’” Alex Wright, one of the students, told the station. “He said you could make up something so I said, ‘Me and my mom went to Cabela’s to buy a gun.’ And as soon as he heard the word ‘gun,’ he told me to sit down.”

Why would he do that?

On Tuesday morning, Kimberly Williams and Marshall Williams met with Christian. She recorded the meeting for posterity on her cellphone. It’s not clear if Christian is aware of the recording.

In the video, which KDFW shows, Kimberly Williams asks Christian about the criteria for the assignment. His response is unclear because both the elder Williams and Christian are talking simultaneously.

“So because it had guns in it you refused to grade it?” Kimberly Williams can then be heard asking.

“Not just guns, but you see we’ve had a certain amount of violence and things in schools. …” Christian replies.

So because there was a shooting in Connecticut 2 months ago, a student in Texas can’t talk about going to the Cabelas to buy a gun with his mom? This is the very definition of going full retard.

Comments Off on Reason 1,254,993  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2013-02-21  ::  madlibertarianguy


Thursday 21 February 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

Remember, folks: it’s only Republicans that use fear as a means to manipulate the electorate. Politico:

Prepare for the end of food safety as we have known it. For a breakdown in public order. For little children languishing in ignorance. If only Edward Gibbon were here to chronicle the devastation. On March 1, the fabric of our civilization begins to unwind.

That’s when the economy begins to stall and we turn our back on our values, all because the federal government will have to begin to cut a few tens of billions of dollars from the largest budget the world has ever known.

This is the lurid fairy tale spun by President Barack Obama. In the fight over the sequester, he is resorting to the tried-and-true (and tiresome) strategy of every official confronted with budget cuts he doesn’t want to implement, from the commander in chief to a lowly bureaucrat toiling at some school district: maximize the scare-mongering and pain.

Because if we cut our budget back to the draconian spending levels of 2008, we’d be just like Somalia.

Comments Off on Remember  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2013-02-21  ::  madlibertarianguy

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Thursday 21 February 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

The War on Drugs: arresting innocent people since fucking forever.

The Des Moines Register’s Reader’s Watchdog tells the rather predictable tale of anti-meth zealotry run amok, as a 50-year-old farmer’s wife faces trial for buying too much pseudoephedrine at a Walgreens in the small town of Ottumwa, Iowa. Of note, even though she bought a lot of allergy pills, she actually didn’t break Iowa law. Yet she could still face a 25-year sentence for a conspiracy “with one or more persons to manufacture, deliver or possess with intent to deliver … a mixture or substance containing a detectable amount of methamphetamine.”

When you can be arrested for NOT breaking the law, you know the entire endeavor is fucked.

Comments Off on Guilty Until Proven Innocent  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2013-02-21  ::  madlibertarianguy


Tuesday 19 February 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

I don’t think so.

Comments Off on Consensus?  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2013-02-19  ::  madlibertarianguy


Tuesday 19 February 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

There’s nothing like worrying about “access” when it comes at the cost of being able to fulfill your role in society.

[Obama] gets more-favorable-than-not coverage because many staffers are fearful of talking to reporters, even anonymously, and some reporters inevitably worry access or the chance of a presidential interview will decrease if they get in the face of this White House.

And because Obama is reportedly a cocky bastard who doesn’t see talking to the press as useful, they’ve resorted, as a means to keep their beloved access to The King, to what has been termed the “softball interview.”

The super-safe, softball interview is an Obama specialty. The kid glove interview of Obama and outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by Steve Kroft of CBS’s “60 Minutes” is simply the latest in a long line of these. Obama gives frequent interviews (an astonishing 674 in his first term, compared with 217 for President George W. Bush, according to statistics compiled by Martha Joynt Kumar, a political scientist at Towson University), but they are often with network anchors or local TV stations, and rarely with the reporters who cover the White House day to day.

The media should be fucking ashamed of how they’ve reported on this presidency. More concerned with being in the same room with his excellency, they’ve resorted to treating him with kid gloves and acquiesced to journalistic abominations like quote approval and openly reporting White House press releases as researched and verified news. They’ve made a mockery of their profession.

Comments Off on Access  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2013-02-19  ::  madlibertarianguy

Exactly Right

Monday 18 February 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized

What he said.

In the 12 months we have to steel ourselves for the next State of the Union spectacle, let us count the ways that this spawn of democratic Caesarism — presidency worship — has become grotesque. It would be the most embarrassing ceremony in the nation’s civic liturgy, were the nation still capable of being embarrassed by its puerile faith in presidential magic.

The Constitution laconically requires only that the president “shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” Nothing requires “from time to time” to be construed as “every damn year.” Informing and recommending need not involve today’s tawdry ritual of wishful thinking by presidents unhinged from political reality and histrionics by their audiences. And must we be annually reminded that all presidents think that everything they want is “necessary and expedient”?

Hopefully this practice of fellating the president will end sooner than later.

Comments Off on Exactly Right  ::  Share or discuss  ::  2013-02-18  ::  madlibertarianguy