Transparency Rules!
Tuesday 11 May 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + Government + Legislation
Except when it’s the Obama brand of transparency. It’s well known that during his campaign he promised to show bills under consideration on the White House web site for a full 5 days before signing it so that the American people might have a chance to view said bill and submit feedback, and so Congresscreatures wouldn’t have the opportunity to slip pork in to bills at the last second unbeknownst to the American people. According to the Cato Institute, “Of 163 bills [that have been signed since Obama took office], 113 have been held for five days as a matter of course, but only 16 have been posted on for five days before signing.”
That’s the Hope and Change many of us expected, but it certainly isn’t the hope and change that was promised.
2010-05-11 » madlibertarianguy