Police Brutality Story of the Week
Thursday 29 July 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery
This kind of shit is ridiculous. And I’m sure that nothing will happen to the officer as a result. The Chicago Tribune explains:
More than 20 former Cook County inmates have filed suit, say they were handcuffed or shackled during labor
July 18, 2010|By Colleen Mastony, Tribune reporter
Latiana Walton went through most of her labor at Stroger Hospital with an arm and leg chained to her bed, she remembers.As contractions surged through her body, she could not move or change position to relieve the pain. A Cook County correctional officer repeatedly refused to remove the restraints, she said, even when a doctor objected, saying that he was unable to administer an epidural.
“I actually said to the guard, ‘Where am I going?’ I’m crying. I’m in pain,” recalled Walton, 26. “‘I’m not going to get up and run out of the hospital.'”
On Aug. 27, 2008, Walton, who had been arrested after she missed a court date on a retail theft charge, became one of an estimated 50 women who give birth every year while in the custody of the Cook County Jail.
Read entire story here. Suffice it to say that if this happened to my wife, there would be an unexplained series of corrections officers being killed.
2010-07-29 » madlibertarianguy