Drug War Creations
Thursday 14 October 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + War on Drugs
The utterly failed War on Drugs (or as some might call it the War on People Who Use Drugs) can take full credit for a few creations. There was never such a thing as drug crime before prohibition. Nor was there such a thing as drug cartels or kingpins either. But the latest creation of the drug war is pirates. The New York Times:
For decades, Falcon Lake was known primarily as an anglers’ paradise, a tranquil reservoir straddling the border with Mexico where a clever fisherman could catch enormous largemouth bass. These days, however, the lake is developing a reputation for something else: piracy.
As a prolonged conflict between drug dealers and the government has eroded civil order in Mexico, gangs of armed thugs in speedboats have begun robbing fishermen and tourists on the lake.
Good job, drug warriors. Good job. When we need a new class of violent criminals, we know we can count on you to create one with your asinine compulsion to prosecute victimless crimes.
2010-10-14 » madlibertarianguy