Political Misogyny
Tuesday 6 March 2012 - Filed under Uncategorized
I’m not exactly sure how the left has convinced America that racism and misogyny are characteristics that belong solely to the right, but it was a masterful con job. The Daily Beast:
This is not to suggest that liberals—or feminists—never complain about misogyny. Many feminist blogs now document attacks on women on the left and the right, including Jezebel, Shakesville, and the Women’s Media Center (which was cofounded by Steinem). But when it comes to high-profile campaigns to hold [journalists who clearly identify with the political left] accountable—such as that waged against Limbaugh—the real fury seems reserved only for conservatives, while the men on the left get a wink and a nod as long as they are carrying water for the liberal cause.
After all, if Limbaugh’s outburst is part of the “war on women,” then what is the routine misogyny of liberal media men?
It’s time for some equal-opportunity accountability. Without it, the fight against media misogyny will continue to be perceived as a proxy war for the Democratic Party, not a fight for fair treatment of women in the public square.
As long as those who vote for the political left continue to put up with misogyny by allowing journalists with whom they agree get away with it so long as they’re trumpeting some cause with which they agree, they’re nothing but a bunch of frauds.
2012-03-06 » madlibertarianguy